Hang out with Jesus

How are you today?
  • Are missing your usual daily routine? 
  • Or Are you missing being close to your loved one?
  • Or Are you missing driving out to meet your friends and family?
  • Or Are you missing going to a new eating join and trying new food?
  • Or Are you missing the excitement of packing for traveling to a new destination?
  • Or Are you missing the feeling of being pain-free?
  • Or Are you missing the satisfaction of going to the House of God?
  • Or Are you missing all the good news and jokes that you used to receive in WhatzApp??

Sometimes, we go through a detour in life. Recently, Nations and Cities have been going through various twists and turns. In the midst of all this, how do we walk in Constant Hope? As a child of God, the simple way is to “Hang out with Jesus.”. 

These are the times, when we can just keep talking to Jesus continuously. We can talk to Him about all our fears, our concerns, our anxiety, our questions, our frustrations, our disappointments etc. He is a very good Listener - Trust me. 
Over the course of time, you will start to hear Him speak back to you and you will experience the comfort of His Presence and Love. Hope will increase and Joy will fill your heart.

We pray that you will learn the art of walking with Jesus and train yourself to walk a little closer with Him. 
We are praying for you.
Be Blessed!

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